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Natural and Organic Products

green Natural and Organic ProductsHow do we determine the difference between natural and organic cosmetics? Natural products are made from plants and minerals that occur in nature and have not been produced in a laboratory. Organic products are also made from natural ingredients; they are grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides. Seaweed, for example can be classified as a natural product, but it’s not organic because it is not grown in natural conditions.

Truly organic products do not contain any genetically modified ingredients or petrochemicals. They do not undergo any animal testing, unless it is required by law, and are only subjected to minimal processing. If a product is purely organic, as read on a cosmetic label, it will be certified by an organic certification agency. Some cosmetic companies add natural ingredients in the form of fruit acids, vitamins, hemp, and borage to skincare products. Some products use ingredients that mimic skin’s natural functions, like Hyaluronic acid, a moisturizer that occurs naturally in the skin.

Some experts hold the theory that your skin absorbs 60% of everything you put on it. Your skin is a highly effective delivery system, so it would seem to be a better choice to use organic beauty products to ensure the highest level of nourishment to the skin.

You can still have an allergic reaction to a natural product. There is no 100% guarantee that any skin care product or cosmetic will not produce an allergic reaction, regardless if it is labeled hypoallergenic. For instance, if you where a fragrance and a body cream and both of them label the product as hypoallergenic, it doesn’t mean that using both of these products used together won’t cause an allergic reaction. If you have sensitive skin or have a known allergy, look at the products label to determine if the ingredients list contains your known allergy.

However, chemicals made in the laboratory for skin care products have been safe and effective as well. We may insure that organic is the safest by nature, but man-made chemicals and product have not only been good for us, but they can actually save lives.

It is quite difficult to make a skin care product or cosmetic that is 100% natural. This is because in order for the product to last or preserve vital nutrients, preservatives are needed. Take the example of a skin care product that contains apple extracts. Imagine your skin care product on your vanity or in your cosmetic bag. How long do you think an apple will last until it goes rotten? Probably not too long, and that is why preservatives are needed in your skin care products. They would go bad otherwise.

Natural products are naturally good for us, but as you can see, natural isn’t always the best choice when it comes to putting something on your skin. If you have political, health, or social views that prevent you from buying anything other than organic, then you will be happy that organic products are taking the market by storm. There are many to choose from. For those that do not have a specific need for natural or organic skin care products, we have a host of cosmetic companies with that have spent many hours in the laboratory to insure our safety and satisfaction with them.

Slimming and Body Contour Skin Care

bikini Slimming and Body Contour Skin CareIt’s bikini season. This time of year many of us are doing more than shopping for bathing suits. We are shopping for wrap-around attire or swimsuit cover-ups. Why worry about cover ups? We can bare skin to be proud of this summer with a little help from a bottle.

We have spent the winter indoors. Our skin may be flaky, dull, or lack tone. Cellulite is another big concern for many women summertime approaches. We can get out of the winter blues and feel confident being in our own skin, no matter what time of the year it is.

Body contour products that fight cellulite and offer slimming effects have significantly improved the appearance of problem skin and body contour issues. Many times, cellulite or body contour creams did not perform well for some women, only because the preparation and after care recommendations were not met. In order for these products to work effectively, it is important to understand how to use them and when to use them.


Before using any contour product for the body, you must exfoliate. This way, we are closer to the skin’s surface where the ingredients from the products can penetrate the skin. Dry body brushing is one the cheapest and most effective methods of stimulating circulation, which is essential for normal body function. If your circulation is impaired, insufficient oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the cell, toxins are not removed efficiently and lymph fluid is not drained correctly. All this encourages fat and toxin build-up. When body brushing, brush firmly towards the heart, but be careful if you have any problem open wounds or other skin abrasions.


Slimming and body contour products need time to soak in and allow the ingredients to penetrate the skin. Apply them when you can block out a time period where you don’t put on clothes afterwards, so the clothing will not soak up the cream or lotion applied. Try a spa towel that wraps around your chest and hangs just above the upper thigh. The same rule applies to sitting or lying down after application. Depending on where you apply the cream, you can adjust your attire based on the area treated. For instance, if you are applying the slimming or body contour product to your thighs or buttocks, then lie down on your side or stomach or participate in standing activities. If you must wear clothing consider a fabric like lightweight gauze or silk so the product will not soak into the material. Try a loose fitting skirt or other clothing that will not rub or touch against the skin.


Now that you have what you need to know about preparation and aftercare, you can jump in and indulge with our recommended body contour and slimming products. We have found the best slimming products especially made for problem areas.

Bliss Carrot And Sesame Body Buff. This kit contains a carrot and sesame spa scrub and finishing foam. It smells yummy with honey and your skin will glow after the first application. The scrub will rid of dry bumps, blemishes, and rough spots. The finishing foam leaves a nice radiant shine, and the skin tone appears even and enhanced. The smell is pure bliss and the body looks fresher, cleaner, and healthier. This is a great prep for cellulite and body contour treatment, but you may find that this kit alone will do the trick.

Institut DERMed Body CelluliteRx LipoTherm Contour Cream is one of our best recommendations. It really did work at smoothing out rouge spots and dimpled areas. It detoxifies the excess water stored in fat cells that contain toxins, thereby reducing inflammation. This contour cream also regulates hormones, another element responsible for cellulite, and it contains natural stimulant remedies for these problem areas. The results are firm, toned, and healthy looking skin.

Alchimie Forever Q-switch Optimizing Body Contour Gel is perfect at slimming and contouring problem areas. We like the natural ingredients of ginger and marine algae. Marine alga is a form of penetrating collagen, an important component for rebuilding our skin. A special ingredient of Amazonian guarana stimulates and energizes the skin. We loved the results of this contour slimming cream. The legs, thighs, and buttocks are smooth and tight after just one use.