Posts Tagged ‘Cellulite Skin Care’

Cellulite Skin Care Tips

cellulite Cellulite Skin Care TipsWe can take control of cellulite with a few lifestyle changes. If you are devoted to making changes, you should see a dramatic transformation in your skin condition, especially cellulite prone areas, in as little as eight weeks. Here is a solid plan for fighting cellulite.


Recent studies have proven that taking a daily multivitamin may be a waste of time and money when it comes to our health. The studies suggest that we can, and most often do, get the daily vitamin intake with the foods we eat. However, those with specific medical conditions or needs should take one. These studies have shown that it is unnecessary to take a multivitamin for our body’s health, but the studies do not mention the unnecessary notion for our skin’s health. Our skin needs daily vitamins, whether you take it orally or use it topically. Check for the ingredients in your skin care product and see if your skin is receiving those vital vitamins. Dr. Karen Burke, a New York dermatologist, recommends taking 1 to 6g vitamin C daily and 400 IU natural Vitamin E.

healthy foods Cellulite Skin Care TipsFOODS

Eat plenty of fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, olive oil, yogurt, eggs, and fresh herbs and spices. Avoid sugar and processed foods. Eliminate margarines, TV dinners, and canned foods from your diet

Celebrity singer Beyonce Knowles follows the Lemon Detox Diet to fight cellulite. We recommend the lemon detox recipe in the morning one hour before breakfast. To use this recipe, combine two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon, two tablespoons of natural maple syrup, and one-tenth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mix this with an eight-ounce glass of fresh spring water and you will be on your way to fighting cellulite naturally. Here in this diet, you will be getting vitamins and spices known to target cellulite and other skin conditions.

lifestyle Cellulite Skin Care TipsLIFESTYLE

Lifestyle changes are necessary to combat cellulite. If you are not on a regular fitness program, this may be a time to sign up and get involved in a fitness center or sports team. If you are on a regular fitness program, and you still have prominent cellulite, then you may need to change or alter your current program. For those who are just starting a physical fitness program, consult a personal trainer or a fitness staff for a personalized consultation. Most fitness centers offer a one-time personal assessment to get you on a customized plan. Tell them you are experiencing a problem with cellulite and want a program to combat this. They will be happy to help. Remember, both cardio and weight training are imperative to fight

Stress management is also important for fighting cellulite. Relaxing will distress and detoxify the body. Stress buildup contributes to fat. Cortisol is a stress hormone, known as a contributing factor in belly fat. Bring meditation into your daily life, and learn to diffuse negative feelings before it hurts your body and poisons your mind.


Avoid surgery at all costs. Surgery, such as liposuction, may reduce fat, but it will not remove cellulite. It may reduce some cellulite in the liposuction area, but it will not rid of cellulite in that area and it will not rid of cellulite in other non-surgical areas. After surgery, your fat may disappear, but the cellulite may not. Skinny women have cellulite; it is not just a skin condition in overweight women. Genes play a role in cellulite, and even the most prestigious cosmetic procedures and vigorous lifestyle changes won’t completely get rid of cellulite.

Surgery is a temporary fix in removing fat, a fat-prone area.

Dry brushing works best on removing toxins from the fat cells, reducing the orange-peel look. This will also help cellulite products to penetrate the skin.


Lifestyle changes are going to be the most efficient method of reducing or eliminating cellulite. You will need to eat healthy, avoid toxin build-ups, and use skin care products to work on any problem areas that remain after making these changes.

Cures don’t happen overnight. We will not be able permanently cure cellulite. However, we can reduce cellulite dramatically with life style changes and skin care remedies.